Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tears of JOY

It couldn't get any better than this.
Five wonderful children w/ five wonderful spouses and 15 1/2 grandchildren.

I have had a tough couple of weeks, mostly due to extreme fatigue I am feeling due to the two surgeries and radiation. I conjured up all kinds of scenarios where my cancer was growing again. Luckily I went to the doctor and he said it was normal and that I would eventually feel better. He even said I could begin to exercise. I lost a lot of muscle mass in my legs than I want to get back. 
Even though I have had a tough time I feel like I am blessed mightily. As I kneel in prayer with Roma each night I call to mind the many blessings we have received. They have been multiplied and multiplied again. We have felt the prayers of hundreds of people. We have felt the hugs, eaten the food, received the well wishes in cards and letters, experienced the service of people known and unknown who have blessed our lives.Thank you so much! Most of all we have felt the love the Savior who knows of our needs and has already suffered my sins and experienced our suffering. I love the Lord. I honor him. 
"Sweet is the Joy the Gospel Brings"  I cry tears of joy each night at the blessings we have received. 


  1. Our family is very blessed. I am so glad you are getting better rest. Its great you are able to start excercising a little. I bet that will help you feel better. I love you so much Dad.

  2. Love you Dad!! I hope you keep feeling better I am so greatful for all your wonderful neighbors and ward who are taking such good care of you both.

  3. I am excited for you to finally get time to rest :) I LOVE that picture of all you guys.. it is one of my favorites. Love you lots!
