Sunday, August 8, 2010

Friends, friends, friends

As I expressed in my most recent entry the radiation treatment I receive is causing me to be extremely tired. Surprisingly so to me. Sleep doesn't refresh me. My mind wakes up, but my body still feels like I just finished a couple marathons in a row. I am not complaining. I could be much worse.
Yesterday our ward had a neighborhood picnic. All day I was looking forward to going; being with some of the wonderful people who are our neighbors. I was afraid I couldn't stay long because of the fatigue I was feeling, but we had determined to go at least for a few minutes. I need not have worried. Going there energized me. Granted, I was still tired but I plopped my body in a chair, ate a good meal, and just soaked up the energy and love from the people around me. My body remained energized for the rest of the night. I so much appreciate my friends and neighbors. You are all in my thoughts. All through this trial I have felt the support of family, friends, neighbors, and a multitude of people I don't even know. Christ says when you are serving your fellow men you are serving Him. I testify that Roma and I feel the love of the Savior through the service we have received from our fellow men.


  1. Dad, I am so glad that you got to do something fun!! I wish we could be there to come and distract you for a while. Love you!!

  2. Great post Dad. You and mom really are blessed with good friends and neighbors. It helps me not to worry as much about you both.

  3. WE LOVE YOU, Paul!!! The party was GREAT wasn't it!!!
