Thursday, July 29, 2010

So Tired and Blessed

This has been an interesting week. The doctors and nurses keep warning about how tired I will be as the radiation continues. I have been tired, but have been able to muddle through. But this week I have really found out what they mean. I become exhausted mentally almost immediately after beginning a project. When I endeavor to help Roma around the house I have to quit and take a rest for awhile before even getting started. It isn't very fun, but on the other hand I feel quite blessed. I'm not sick. My general health remains good. My blood counts are excellent. I am tolerating the chemo and radiation just like the doctors hoped. I have the love of my family and friends; and I only have nine radiation sessions left. The doctor says the effects of the radiation will still keep compounding for a week or two after they stop radiating, but I can see the end of the tunnel.
Monday they change my treatment slightly. I go in early and they will take some new x-rays to reposition the machine so that they can spend the last seven treatments focusing on the area right around the original tumor. Once that is done I get a month off from chemo and radiation. After about six weeks they will do another MRI to determine my status. If everything is good I will then go on a maintenance dose of chemo 5 days a month. I can handle that!
My family has lots of plans for me this fall. I think they must like me. Whenever I get out of the house I am constantly reminded of how much love I feel from my neighbors and friends. I am truly blessed.


  1. Love you Dad. I am so glad you are almost done.

  2. I am sorry that the radiation is starting to catch up but, hopefully that means it's doing what it is supposed to. Love you!!

  3. My husband is being a super trooper! Yesterday was the hardest day ever for him, but he made it through with very little complaining. We are gearing up for next week-we think it will be grueling for him, but at least we know the end is in sight! What a wonderful example he is setting for all of us in how he faces adversity. How I love him.
