Sunday, June 20, 2010

Clarity of thinking

I had an experience the other night that taught me a lesson. As most of you know the tumor is in a place that affects my speech muscles on the right side of my face. In order to talk I need to visualize in my brian what I want to say, hear my old voice say it, and then try to mimick it. It has been a slow process, but I am getting better at it. I pretty much sound like a Seseme Street character.
Each night when Roma and I go to bed we have couple prayer and then our individual prayers. That time together has become more sacred to us. A special time. When it is my turn to say the prayer it takes a long time. Because it does take time I find myself being guided more so than ever in what I say. I find myself thanking a loving Father in Heaven for blessings received and being rewarded with even more blessings as we pray.
The experience came in my individual prayer. Because I didn't have to go through the process of verbalizing my prayer, I just started thingking my prayer. It was a disaster. I reverted to all the old habits of saying whatever came into my mind. Senseless drivel. I couldn't put two meaningful sentences together. What a lesson. I had to begin again and slow down. When we pray for the Spirit and with the Spirit our prayers become effectual. When we don't they bounce right off the ceiling.
My grandson Abe has a new job chart while he is here. One of his chores is to make sure Grandpa reads to him every day. It is a delightful time which he takes very seriously. We read his simple books to speed up my speech. It helps and it is humbling, although he is a little tough on me. He makes me repeat all the words I get wrong. Oh for the wisdom of a seven year old.
Happy Fathers Day!!!


  1. I am glad that Abe is using his job chart!! Your doing great Dad, I love reading your blog.

  2. What a wonderful blog, Paul. We love Roma and you and are so grateful that we have become neighbors. After reading your blog I can see that your family is even more amazing than I thought.
    God bless you all.
    Gwen Soper
